Yoni Steaming is also known as vaginal and womb steaming, and has been used, for overall care and wellness, for specific female health concerns. Midwives have used Yoni steaming for chronic yeast infections, bacterial infections, postpartum care, cysts, and fibroids for thousands of years. Yoni Steaming has recently become re-popularised however women have been using this ancient tradition for thousands of years to support the health of the female reproductive system. Yoni steaming practice is deeply embedded in; Haiti, West Africa, Caribbean, central America, India, South Africa, Indonesia, Korea, Hawaii, Mongolia, China, Australia, Mayans and Eastern Europe. In modern times, Yoni Steaming is growing in popularity in the West.
Alafia Yoni Steaming Treatments
All treatments start with a through consultation, to ensure that the correct herbs and treatment, is safe for you. You will be given a Goddess gown to wear to embrace your yoni steam experience and embrace the Goddess within. I suggest you bring a journal and pen, and to start the treatment with an affirmation and intent such as “I give myself permission today to take time out for myself, to practice self-love and enjoy this ,Yoni cleansing experience to bring inner harmony, celebrate your body, whilst harnessing your feminine energy and gain inner wisdom”. Release what no longer serves you and birth new ideas. You can listen to a guided yoni meditation or relaxing music, your modesty is always preserved.
The yoni steaming packages available are;
Yoni Steaming
Yoni Steaming
Cultures across the world have used yoni steaming or vaginal steaming. Your vagina is your most sacred space. And that is why so many of us are reclaiming the word Yoni. The word Yoni is Sanskrit for "sacred space" and we find that this is only word that really sums up what this space really is. Yoni is also known as “vagina,” “womb,” or “origin of life.”
On the physical level, Yoni Steaming is the practice of squatting over a pot of steaming, carefully selected herbs, for up to 30-45 minutes. Today, beautiful, and creative wooden and electronic steam seats (which will be used at Alafia Holistic) have been crafted, making steaming more comfortable and approachable. The steam from the pot then surrounds the outside of a female's vulva and enters the vagina and womb space. The herb-infused steam promotes circulation within the body and carries healing properties into the yoni.
On a spiritual level,the steam brings awareness to the yoni, and with this awareness comes the connection to her root and sacral chakras, ancient wisdom, generational history, energies of past lovers, stagnate trauma... and the list goes on. This awareness, connection, and support of the penetrative steam allows for breakthroughs in healing and an infusion of Divine Feminine power.
On an emotional level,our wombs hold onto a lot of emotions, memories, and traumas. This is all held within our sacral chakra which is one of the energy centres of the body. An unbalanced sacral chakra and unhealed womb may present symptoms such as, hormone imbalances, low libido, insecurities, depression, feeling mentally unstable, difficulties or pain in the reproductive system or trauma. because steaming helps to unlock stagnate trauma and energies, it will inevitably also unlock emotions. For some, steaming is a helpful practice for working through sexual trauma and feelings of shame and guilt that are often embedded in this intimate area of the body. '
What are Fibroids?
Fibroids are firm, roundish, noncancerous growths of muscle layers in the uterus. They consist of dense tissues and according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) are “solidified phlegm.” Usually located within the main part of the uterus, fibroids are rarely found along the vaginal cancel or the outer extremities of the vulva. Fibroids can range in size quite dramatically, from the size of a small pebble to a cantaloupe of even larger.
For some women fibroids give no cause for concern and grow unnoticed. For many, fibroids; can cause heavy and painful periods and lead to fatigue and anaemia. In some cases, fibroids, can cause infertility and increase the risk of miscarriage. Other indications of fibroids are pressure on or adjacent organs such as the bladder. Fibroids are VERY common, affecting up to 60% of women, depending on factors including age and race.
Racial Inequities in Health
Black women have a far higher incidence rate of fibroids than white women. Some estimates show that a quarter of black women between 18 and 30 have fibroids, compared with 7 percent of white women; by age 35, that number increases to 60 percent.” fibroids often occur in women aged 30-50 and develop more frequently in women of African and Caribbean descent. Black women suffer disproportionately from fibroids and are three to five times more likely to develop them than White women. Black women also tend to have larger, more numerous fibroids, that grow quicker, causing more severe symptoms.Fibroids develop earlier (in their 20s versus 30s for white women).
Those who are overweight, started puberty early, or have not birthed children, are more likely to have fibroids.
Yoni Steaming and Abdominal Massage: which focuses on the reproductive organs mainly the womb and ovaries. The abdominal massage, allows you; to feel at peace, aiding digestion, improves the internal organs and provides relaxation. Abdominal massage encourages the uterus to realign. Regulates menstrual cycle and alleviates painful menstruation and ovulation. Increases circulation and promotes blood flow to the uterus. Helps with stagnation and with detoxification of the body. Additionally benefits scar tissue and promotes relaxation and reduces stress.
Yoni Steaming and Moxibustion: uses, Mugwort an herb that is used directly onto the abdomen it is an effective, herb for gynaecological conditions. In Chinese Herbal Medicine it is used to treat heavy menstrual bleeding and uterine bleeding and to increase blood circulation to the pelvic area to treat menstrual pain. Moxibustion can be used to prevent diseases and maintain health as part of tonification treatments to help strengthen the organs and immune system. It warms the meridians and expels cold, moxibustion can help with fatigue, digestive issues, and much more.
Yoni Steaming is a natural way to support your body to function optimally, as its an healing modality which supports and cleanses, the health of the vagina and female reproductive system. Also regulates menstruation, eases bloating and painful periods (dysmenorrhoea). Yet, yoni steaming is about more than uterine health. The practice brings a reconnection to the spiritual aspects of the female body and the potent energy that lies within. It is not only an opportunity for women to celebrate and cherish our bodies, it is a tool for taking back ownership of our personal health and for utilising the wisdom of our ancestors to support and nourish our well-being today.
Contraindications, Safety first, when NOT to Yoni Steam?
Yoni steams are not always recommended! There are reasons and seasons of our lives that we should not do the steam. Please do NOT do a yoni steam:
Don't steam during ovulation if you are trying to conceive

Pregnant or if you think you may be pregnant 

If you have an Intrauterine Device (IUD) (some say you can for only 5-10 minutes 

Have an active internal infection (cervical, uterine, or ovarian inflammation) with a fever 

Have any open herpes sores or blisters present- Soak infected area AFTER the blisters have burst, until the infected area has healed 


When we are connected to our most Yoni; sacred space, we are connected to the deepest part of ourselves. We have self-love and we respect ourselves. We see this space as our most sacred space and we welcome only those who are worthy into this sacred temple.
To live connected to the yoni is to be connected to the Divine Feminine. If you are looking for specific ways to honour this sacred space, look no further! Vaginal Steaming is one of the best ways to Honour your Yoni. Your yoni is sacred, sister. Honour her. Celebrate her. Love her.
Think of a V-Steam as a facial for your vagina. It creates the same effects as a facial but it does so internally for your uterus and vaginal canal.
Yoni Steaming and Acupuncture: is used for fibroid release. It helps clear stagnation, eliminate dampness, and bring emotional balance. Acupuncture boosts fertility by regulating hormone function, increasing blood flow to the ovaries and uterus. By helping, to relax your muscles in order to improve the chance of an embryo implanting. Benefits Menstrual issues, acupuncture can help to regulate your cycle and lessen pelvic pain, improve mood swings and PMT. Also improve endometriosis, which can be debilitating 'Acupuncture improves blood flow to the ovaries and endometrium. Some of the menopause and perimenopause, symptoms are; hot flushes, night sweats and insomnia. These symptoms can be affected by stress, anxiety and changes in your hormones. Acupuncture targets your hormonal imbalances, allowing you to feel less stressed and improve your sleep.
Yoni Steaming and Castor Oil Packs: are hot packs made with wool or cotton flannel, castor oil, and a heating pad. Evidence suggests that they work through stimulating the lymphatic system and reducing inflammation. The castor oil pack is applied over the uterine area for 30-60 minutes per session to support the release fibroids. 
Benefits of Caster Oil Packs for Fibroids, include: 
 An increase in circulation, promoting the elimination and healing of the tissues & organs underneath the skin. Stimulating the liver, reducing inflammation, and aiding the detoxification process. Pulling toxins from muscles and aiding the removal of fibroids.

I sell castor oils packs which are African inspired; which includes castor oil, please contact me, if your interested. Please WhatApp where you should get a quicker response.
Yoni Herbal Blends Available For Sale
Rebirth (for fertility)
Reduce Bleeding
Relationship Relief
Replenish Period
Urine Infections
Fibroid Release
Menopause Relief
Please contact for further details

Yoni steaming and massage £85.00
Yoni steaming and moxibustion £85.00
Yoni steaming and acupuncture £90.00
Yoni steaming and castor oil packs £90.00
Yoni steaming and abdominal cupping £85.00
All the above treatments are provided first,
followed by yoni steaming.
The treatment will last for one and a half hour.
Yoni steaming alone £60.00 for an hour
I am available and for Yoni and Womb Ceremonies and workshops.