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  • Boost Immunity

  • Stimulate the flow of Qi

  • Aids fatigue

  • Alleviate pain

Feeling like your body is out of balance? Looking for a relaxing treatment experience? Moxibustion treatment will put your body at ease. Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese medicine technique, that involves, the burning of mugwort herb, directly or indirectly to the skin to facilitate healing. 


Moxibustion is used to prevent diseases and maintain health. It helps strengthen the internal organs and improve the immune system against colds and viruses. Moxibustion improves the digestive system, reduces fatigue, is beneficial for chronic pain e.g. arthritis, muscle tension, emotional problems, anxiety, depression, gynaecological problems and fertility. 


Breech Presentation 

  • Gynaecological and obstetrical conditions, including breech presentation in late term pregnancy has successfully been used to turn breech babies into a normal head-down position before childbirth.

  • Most babies will turn from (breech) by 35 weeks, if the baby does not turn, you may want to try Moxibustion from 34-36 weeks of pregnancy. Moxibustion, is a Chinese Therapy, that may encourage a breech baby to turn head downwards to aid delivery. 

  • Herbal moxibustion sticks  are lit and provides a gentle heat,  to an acupuncture point on the feet. The theory is to increase the baby's movement, and helps them to become active to turn into the head down position. It is also thought to improve the tone of the muscles in the mother's uterus. Ensuring the baby is more likely to stay in the right position. 

  • Moxibustion is not safe choice for everyone. If your midwife or doctor advise against it. For example, if you had a previous caesarean birth, if your baby is not growing well, if you have a low placenta, if you have bleeding from your vagina or your waters have broke.


    Are there any side effects or risks?

  • There are no serious safety concerns

  • It may cause mild contractions

  • The baby maybe more active for a few hours following the treatments, as part of encouraging the baby to turn.


You will be given a moxibustion stick to be taken home and encouraged to burn the stick, twice a day, for seven days, for ten minutes. You will need to follow up with your midwife to check your baby's position around 36-37 weeks of pregnancy. 


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