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Gynaecological Acupuncture

From traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) gynaecological symptoms are caused by excess or deficient patterns with the flow of Qi and Blood. Acupuncture resolves the excess and deficiencies and benefit your physical, emotional and gynaecological problem. By balancing the menstrual cycle, regulating the menstrual flow and easing pain. Which includes the following problems, cysts. fibroids, PMS. PCOs, polyps, endometriosis, heavy and painful periods, irregular periods, miscarriages, ovulation disorders, pelvic inflammatory disease and menopausal symptoms.



We are competent to provide safe, effective treatments to care for your needs. Approximately 90% of fertile couples would expect to become pregnant with regular intercourse within one year, this rising to 95% by the end of two years. Causes of infertility can include endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, sperm dysfunction, ovulation disorders and Fallopian tube damage, to name a few.  15% of couples have multiple causes, of infertility and for some couples there is no clinical cause.


Research indicates that couples who are supported with acupuncture for infertility are significantly more likely to fall pregnant naturally or to successfully conceive following an IVF cycle. Infertility acupuncture stimulates the follicle hormone and affect oestrogen and progesterone level production in the body. Increases the blood flow to the reproductive organs. Improving the quality of the endometrial lining thus increasing the chances of embryo implantation.

Fertility and Gynaecological Acupuncture  Promoting Hormone Imbalance 


Did you know in the UK one in six couples is affected by infertility, affecting 3.5 million people?

Fertility Massage


Our aim is to support, nourish and nurture women through their fertility journey. Offering the opportunity to re-connect to the womb, to prepare for a pregnancy. By releasing emotions trapped within, to enhance relaxation harmony.  

Infertility package


  • Infertility acupuncture, womb healing, pregnancy and fertility affirmations 

  • Womb massage or fertility reflexology.

  • Or infertility acupuncture on its own, suitable for men as well. 

Please visit your GP if you have been trying to conceive for a year, or you are over 30 and have not conceived. Although it might be perfectly normal it is always worth making sure that medically things are ok. Visit your GP if you experience changes in your menstrual cycle.

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