Reiki and Acupuncture
Whilst Acupuncture balances the meridians (energy lines) of the body and Reiki balances the chakras (energy centres), the introduction of Reiki during the Acupuncture treatment helps to boost and balance the body’s whole energy system and flow.
Reiki, Angelic Reiki in Kent
Reiki Acupuncture Reiki Drumming: Energy Healing Your Entire Body
Reiki Healing
Reiki is a Japanese word meaning life force energy. It is a form of healing, energy is present around every living thing and is known as an aura. When we are stressed or ill our aura becomes imbalanced. Reiki gently re-dresses this. Reiki can enhance everyday life and regular sessions helps to ward of illness and fatigue. Reiki brings harmony to the body by relieving physical and emotional blocks.
Angelic Reiki
Invites in the loving and lighter angelic realms of angels and Ascended Masters to help soothe the body mind and soul. It works on the 7 chakras or spiritual energy centres throughout the body. Angelic Healing works on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels to bring balance to your entire being and can bring about a major improvement in many aspects of your lives. The higher energy of the angels is cleansing, clearing and recharging. One of the most recognised benefits is attaining a higher level of mental focus and clarity so you can see yourself, your life and path more clearly. It helps you to feel loved, supported and guided – to see the magic and beauty not only in life but most importantly in yourself. Hazel is attuned to 1st and 2nd Angelic Reiki.
Reiki Drumming
The practice of drumming has been with mankind for millennia, and is still a mainstay of many tribal cultures. Drumming allows an individual to relax and release, finding a comfortable rhythm and influencing personal vibration. Reiki Drumming is a healing technique where energy is created by the drummer and carried by the sound waves of the combines Reiki Energy Flow with Sound Healing, to create a multidimensional approach to healing. Reiki drum healing harmonises your energy with the heart of Mother Earth, to re-establish your natural rhythm, it relieves pain & stress and speeds up the healing. It retrains the brain into an almost hypnotic state, where you can create the changes you want to see in your life.

Reiki drum healing is perfect for creating change in your health, behaviour change, as it reprograms the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual bodies simultaneously and enhances spiritual growth. This vibrational therapy helps you overcome trauma, addictions, negative thinking, emotions, and bad habits faster. Therefore, if you want to get rid of a bad habit, it is beneficial to book at least 3-4 weekly sessions as it takes 21 days to break a habit. For addictions reiki drumming can be incorporated with the NADA ear protocol.

History of Reiki Drumming
Reiki Drumming was originated by Sedona-based Michael Baird in 1999 to increase the power of Reiki Distance Healing. It was brought to the UK by Sarah Gregg, Reiki Master/Teacher with whom I trained with in July 2011, where I was attuned as reiki drum practitioner.
Hazel is attuned as a Reiki III Reiki Master in 2007 and is a powerful healer.