Kansa Vatki Foot Massage in Kent
Creative Relaxing Treatment
Our feet take a huge amount of strain daily, whether standing or sitting for long periods. A professional foot massage is vital for professionals who stand for long hours, e.g. traffic wardens, nurses, doctors, teachers, athletes etc. It can beneficial to let us ease your strain.
The KV is lubricated and massaged on the feet, legs and relaxes the muscles of the lower limbs which nourishes the skin, improves blood flow and lymph circulation. Relaxation from the treatment helps alleviate stress and helps depression and anxiety.
Marma points are targeted with the Kansa Vatki bowl using pressure and massage.
Marma points (these points are found all over the body, and induce the flow of vital energy, or "prana" along the body's energy channels). KV foot massage helps to detoxify and balance the body’s energies. The treatment will make your feet, feel regenerated and light as if your walking on air. KV is often combined with reflexology.

Kansa Vatki (KV) foot massage is a beautiful and relaxing health care modality, the massage helps revitalise tired feet and legs. The KV foot massage is an Ayurveda treatment from India, which has been used for centuries. The KV is a small metal bowl that contains, copper, zinc and tin. Copper helps to alleviate pain, inflammation, joint pains and arthritis whilst improving haemoglobin. Zinc helps to boost the immune system. and has antiseptic properties to prevent skin disorders, aids digestion and diabetes. Tin benefits the digestive system, relieves headaches and insomnia.