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Fertility Reflexology 

Trying to become pregnant can be an overwhelming and a stressful experience.


You maybe tracking your cycle, eating healthy and exercising to improve fertility.  Yet there’s no sign of pregnancy.


What about trying reflexology to boost your fertility? Men contribute 50% of the genetic instruction for conception and up to 50% of fertility issues are related to men. For couple’s reflexology used in conjunction with good nutrition and lifestyle changes can clear toxins from the body, boost the immune system, reduce inflammation, and improve sleep, which in turn reduces stress hormones and associated fat storage. By using natural techniques to re-balance the body fertility, can be re-established.

Reflexology in Kent

Foot Healing for the Sole/Soul


" A thousand miles, begins with a single step", indicating how important the feet are!

Reflexology is a science, it is a popular and relaxing holistic treatment it works with the principle that there are reflexes in the feet, which corresponds to all of the glands, organs and parts of the body. Reflexology is a unique method of using the thumbs and fingers on these reflex areas. The benefits are release of endorphins, the body's good hormones, improving circulation, efficient removal of impurities and toxins. A stronger immune system, a sense of wellbeing.


Thermal hot stones can be included as an extra treatment.

Deluxe Reflexology 

Completely indulge your senses with a foot soak, in a deluxe foot Spa with oxygen, heat bubbles, vibration and massage rollers that massages the feet acupoints.   Soothing foot products are added to the spa which includes Dead Sea salt, which helps eliminate hard skin on the feet due to the magnesium content. It is also a natural anti-inflammatory, and will help calm and soothe inflamed skin. The antifungal, detoxifying effects of a Dead Sea salt naturally deodorise the feet. Followed by feet and hand acupuncture to enhance balance and harmony, Reflexology is performed, by this stage your legs will light and airy. This is then followed by Kansa Vatki Foot Massage to enhance circulation and improve the lymphatic system. The Deluxe Reflexology lasts for two hours.



Maternity Reflexology 

Reflexology can be used to alleviate pregnancy symptoms such as morning sickness, pelvic pain, heartburn and feet swelling. Can be used from week 32, to boost the production of labour hormones.

This is followed by feet and leg acupuncture to improve the flow of Qi, in the legs. Reflexology and Kansa Vatki Foot Massage is performed from the feet up to the knees, using essential oils.


Followed by hot stones massage to the feet.  The perfect finish a deep moisturising, foot pack is applied to reduce callus build up and soften cracked heels, leaving the feet soft and smooth, the client is left to rest, and absorb the deeply profound healing. 

2-hour treatment.

Your legs will feel as if they walking on air.

Or buy as a gift for your family and friends.

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