Acupuncture for Substance Abuse
In the 1970s, the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA) developed a ear acupuncture protocol. Designed to support drug and alcohol treatment by easing withdrawal symptoms and reducing anxiety. Auriculotherapy NADA protocol is used with great success for detoxification and treating substance misuse.
Auriculotherapy in Kent
Auriculotherapy For Addictions
Acupuncture For Weight Loss
Acupuncture promotes efficient functioning of organs while increasing metabolism. Flushing out toxins, and promoting the digestive system to properly breakdown. Acupuncture can help weight loss by reducing cravings for sugar, and caffeine, through re-balancing the body’s Qi and alleviating emotional causes of obesity for example stress, anxiety and depression.
Auriculotherapy also known as ear acupuncture, is when, specific points on the ear are stimulated in order to promote healing in other areas of the body. As auriculotherapy regards the ear as a "microsystem" comprised of acupuncture points that coordinate to body parts, and effect the body Qi. The external ear is part of the body that is often unchanged from birth, it is shaped like a foetus and a kidney. Auriculotherapy uses sterile, disposable needles about the size of two hairs. Auriculotherapy can also be provided using ear seeds. In addition, acupuncture semi-permanent needles may be used which stay in place for 5-7 days.
Auriculotherapy for Smoking Cessation
The cranial nerves, accessed through the ears, stimulate the nervous system to suppress the urge for cigarettes and to engage the relaxation response. Acupuncture is a proven, effective tool to quit smoking. It helps diminish the cravings to smoke by re-balancing the brain chemistry and help restore the vital lung energy, nervous and hormonal systems to a state they were before giving up smoking. Auriculotherapy alleviates the uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms which includes irritability, anxiety, short-temper, inability to focus, depression and insomnia.